Below is the synopsis of my lockdown lecture for 17 June.
Please note this lecture and next week's will cover much of the same postwar period but look at different aspects/ Trudy will also be speaking on this period and will, for example, present a detailed analysis of The Balfour Declaration of 1917
So here is my synopsis for Monday
A preface and a Recap: Palestine in 1914
Allied diplomatic manoeuvers during the war
The final collapse of The Ottoman Empire 1909-22
The Ottoman Empire in 1918
The birth of Turkey in new war with Greece
The legal settlement of The Middle East by The League of Nations
A right old mess!
More next week re the settlement and Churchill's role in it
The major books used in preparation of this lecture
The Ottoman Endgame S McMeekin
The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Emergence of the Modern Middle East
O'Brien & Maddox
The Ottomans G.Wheatcroft
The Balfour Declaration J.Schneer