NOTE: If you haven't yet enrolled there is still time. Because these are zoom lectures there are no maximum numbers. All are welcome, just enrol via JW3 at
or phone JW3 box office on 0207 433 8988.
Thursday July 23rd: LBJ: A Very American President.
No detailed synopsis this week as I shall do a straight biography, but, of course, with the emphasis on his Presidential years.
Books you may care to read afterwards:-
Lyndon Johnson by Robert Dalleck (probably the best one volume history)
Lyndon Johnson and The American Dream by Doris Kearns (with an emphasis on the man)
The Years of Lyndon Johnson (currently in 4 volumes, the story up to 1964) by Robert Caro (acclaimed as possibly the greatest of all political biographies of modern times). All four current volumes are large, detailed, and enthralling. Volume 5, which Caro says will be the final volume, was begun in 2011 and is expected ..........!
Thursday August 13th: Eternal Truths and Present Challenges
We are living in a moment of change, accelerated by the pandemic. Changes in the way our democracy functions through to changes in how we work and shop. We face large challenges such as the environment and global Cold War. What does history have to teach us about how we hold on to eternal truths whilst facing up to new challenges? The English Revolution from 1649-88 and The Industrial Revolution will be just two historical moments of change which we shall look at for guidance.
Please note a more detailed synopsis, together with book suggestions, will be posted a few days before the course.
Please also note, for those who have attended last term's environment and history course, that I shall not be rehashing old material - all last term's lecture notes are now safely stored in the dustbin!